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My Story,
My earliest sewing memory I can remember is sewing on mesh to washcloths for my my Grandma at 9 or 10. After not really thinking much about it life moved on and at age 21I was married to my childhood sweetheart and we were pregnant with our first. And well my first idea was I can make a bedding set. And SEW it began. With help from Matt( my husband ) who for some reason knew how to sew better than me we finished it. Over the next few years I picked up sewing Military purses out of uniforms and tons of bedding sets that surprising looked way better than that first attempt years ago. we added on 2 more kiddos and well I started to make and design them clothes. I feel very blessed that i am able to stay at home and raise my babies while chasing my dreams and showing my kids that moms can accomplish anything!

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